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Why You Should Use AngularJS For Your Next Project?

AngularJs Web Development company
In the recent time, AngularJS has gained huge popularity in the market as it is moderately a new JavaScript framework that developed by Google. The framework specially designed to make your front-end development a lot easier and simpler.

Currently, it is the only framework that doesn’t make MVC seem, and it is the next generation framework, where every single tool was designed to work with every other tool in a consistent way. You also have to keep in mind that adding AngularJS to the web application, one needs some careful evaluation.

Moreover, it is connected with the convention of jQuery or jQuery UI and other javaScript libraries in the app as adding extra lines of code may slow down your own JavaScript execution. Well, because of all these, we can’t overlook the benefits of this framework.

Let’s have a look at the reasons why you should use AngularJS for your next project:

More Close to MVVM Architecture –

When it comes to talking about AngularJS, originally it combines MVC software design pattern to develop client-side web applications. However, it doesn’t apply MVC in the traditional sense, but instead something closer to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel).

• Model: Being an old and plain JavaScript object (POJO), Model is the data in the application. There is no need for users to come into from framework classes, wrap it in proxy objects or make use of special getter/setter methods.

• View Model: Through ViewModel, you can get help to maintain particular views. It is the $scope object, which lives within the AngularJS application. Moreover, it is a simple JavaScript object that comes with a simple API designed to notice and broadcast some changes. Instead, it is the specialized controller essential to settle increasing $scope in the initial state. It does not store states and neither relates with remote services.

• View: It is the HTML, which exists after AngularJS has parsed and compiled HTML to include markups and bindings.

Have a Declarative User Interface –

AngularJS make use of HTML in order to define application’s user interface. HTML is less possibly to break than an interface written in JavaScript. Some of the special attributes in the HTML decide that which controllers to use for the elements.

Application development easies in a sort of WYSIWYG with HTML; therefore, one should stop spending time on program flows and what loads first, easily define what you want, Angular will take care of the rest.

Make Use of POJO Data Models –

Data models in Angular are POJOs, therefore no longer need the getter/setter functions. You can add or modify properties directly on it and loop over objects and arrays. It makes the code look extremely clean and intuitive.

Flexibility With Filters –

Filters can be used to filter the data before they attain the view. Filters can also involve something as simple as formatting decimal places on a number, repealing the order of an array or implementing pagination.

Filters are specially designed to be standalone functions, which separates from your application, but concerned with data transformations. Moreover, filters are creative that it is extremely easy to develop a sortable HTML table using only filters without writing any JavaScript.

Two-Way Data Binding –

In AngularJS, two-way binding is the best concept as it doesn’t only offers a visually pleasing feature, but has an attractive real-time concept. Data-binding directives offer a faultless projection of models to the application view.

There is no need of efforts from developers as it is extremely seamless while using. The view and model no longer need any fresh cycles as they may be flat to bug or simply require huge redundant and difficult to maintain the render code. It has the capability to handle the synchronization between the DOM and the model, and vice versa.

So, these are some of the top reasons to make use of AngularJS for your next project. No matter what type of business you are doing, you can also your own website that based on AngularJS framework. However, if you want to hire aprofessional AngularJS developer, you can get in touch with us.

20 Latest Extensions and Plugins for Bootstrap

Bootstrap Development
Bootstrap comes with loads of tools and extensions that make it more powerful for users to use. If you want to enhance functionality of Bootstrap then you can have a collection of useful extensions and plug-ins. Check out the given list of some latest and fabulous plug-ins for Bootstrap.

Bootstrap Image Gallery

Bootstrap Image Gallery is a responsive and customizable video and image gallery. It displays images and videos through Bootstrap's modal dialog and have support for mouse and keyboard navigation, swipe, full-screen display, on-demand content loading and transition effects.

Strapslide Slider Plugin

Strapslide is a fully customizable mobile and responsive Bootstrap slider plugin, available with support for displaying images, videos, HTML markup and captions. This plug-in doesn’t have any preset animations and thus, it enables to create your own.

Icon Animator for Bootstrap

Icons Animator is another excellent extension used for adding subtle animations to all Bootstrap navigation elements. Icons Animator is available with 18 different hover effects and 5 display modes.

Social Buttons for Bootstrap

Social Buttons is one of the purest CSS libraries of elegant and versatile social signin buttons that based on Bootstrap and Font Awesome.

Yamm! Megamenu

Yamm! is another excellent mega menu addon used for the standard navbar markup and fluid grid system classes. This plug-in works for both responsive and fixed layouts and supports the inclusion of almost all Bootstrap elements.


BootstrapTreeNav is another JS plugin used for Bootstrap to create tree-style navigation menus. It is an easy-to-use and remarkable plug-in.


jqBootstrapValidation is an exceptionally well popular jQuery validation framework for Bootstrap forms that can show validation warnings and errors as the user inputs information.

CSS3 Responsive Forms Pack

A simple and professional Bootstrap form framework, CSS3 Responsive Forms Pack strikes a balance between simplicity and elegance. No JavaScript is used for building this plug-in, it is just created with pure CSS. This plug-in is available with inbuilt support for Google Web Fonts and Font Awesome icons and also has templates for login and registration forms.

Bootstrap Tabcollapse

Tabcollapse is a small plug-in that used to change the Bootstrap tabs component to collapse component for smaller devices.

Accordian Wizard

As name suggests Acc-Wizard is an accordion-based wizard system that based on Bootstrap styles.

Bootstrap Confirmation

Bootstrap Confirmation is an addon to avoid interrupting a user’s workflow. This plug-in has replaced confirmation dialogs with popovers.

flavr – Flat jQuery Popup Dialog

flavr is another excellent Bootstrap compatible popup dialog box that comes with animation. It is using animate.css and are compatible with any modern browser.

Image Gallery

With this plug-in, one can see images and videos in the modal dialog of the Bootstrap. It comes with loads of features such as transition effects, swipe, mouse & keyboard navigation, fullscreen support, on-demand content loading and so on.


Tocify.js is a jQuery plugin that used for developing table of contents section. It can be themed with jQueryUI or Bootstrap.

DMSS Style Switcher

DMSS is the best Bootstrap-based jQuery plugin that enable to change particular webpage’s style with ease.

Pricely Price Charts

Pricely is another excellent Bootstrap extension that used to create elegant price charts and tables.


SelectBoxIt comes with a gorgeous and feature-rich drop-downs option. This plug-in supports Bootstrap, jQueryUI, and jQuery Mobile themes and replaces ugly HTML select boxes.

Bootstrap Paypal Shopping Cart

Paypal Shopping Cart is one of the best and easy-to-use jQuery based shopping cart system used for Bootstrap. Users just have to configure their inventory and store their meta data in a simple structured JSON file.


Tablecloth is one of the best jQuery plugin packaged with 3 pre-designed styles (default, dark and stats).

Bootstrap Combobox

Bootstrap Combobox is an easy-to-use plugin, transforming a select box into an autoselecting combobox.

These are some of the best and remarkable Extensions and Plugins for Bootstrap. If you are looking for professional bootstrap development service from reputed Bootstrap Web Development Company then Contact Perception System.

5 Quick Email Techniques that Increase Your Customers & Boost Revenue

vTiger Development
Email marketing tools are the great way to connect with your customers and bring more sales. According to some survey, it has been surveyed that about 73% of marketers considered email as the core of their business while the last year it was just 68%.

There is no secret that email marketing plays an important role in generating a high ROI and it is increasing gradually. It includes the capability of email tools available for business. Such as triggered emails that automate the sending of welcome emails, post-purchase emails, re-engagement emails and so on.

As each message is appropriate to the recipient’s context, and thus, they find it useful than the average bulk email. Automated emails are also powerful. Those people, who are not using automated emails, can also use Vtiger’s workflows to automate popular emails. Check out some listed emails.

Welcome email

Do you know Welcome email offers deliver 8 times more the income of traditional email? About 70% of customers are expecting a welcome email when they are subscribing to the email list. It should be better designed so it delivers you 4 times the open rate and 5 times the click rate of other bulk emails.

Moreover, you should add unique or limited time offers in the email body to leverage the elevated engagement. With this effort, one can easily enjoy increase in transaction rates about 800%.

Re-engagement emails

Have you ever thought how to reawaken dormant leads and customers? Re-engagement emails can do.

It is one type of “we missed you” email, which is considered as an alarm clock to awakens inactive leads and customers. With this email type, one can re-engage 8% of inactive customers

However, you have to ensure to add a clear call-to-action, and a clear path to engage recipients.

Thank you email
Do you have an idea that Thank You Email increase repeat purchases by 10%? Thank you email is sent immediately after any customer makes purchases. Such mails have high open and click-through rates and offering excellent opportunities to sellers to invite more customers.

One way to do this is to showcase related products that a customer might be interested in. It is survey that one in every 10 customers, who receive “thank you” email return to purchase again.

Transactional emails

Transactional emails are used to in cross selling and driving future engagement. We have seen customers are spending more time in reading transactional emails such as delivery information, shipping information, order confirmations, and other related types.

According to 60% of customers, such types of emails are valuable than bulk notices and promotional emails.

Invoice payment reminder emails

Invoice payment reminder emails are an important email as it reduces stress level of getting payment on time. If any seller delivers customer payment terms then can easily saves their time and can spend on other task. If you are spending an automated email a week in advance, you can get payment on time.

If you are thinking to integrate such email types in your vTiger CRM then hire vTiger Developer from Perception System, a leading vTiger CRM Application Development Company, and get better service at budget, on time.

14 Highly Advanced Bootstrap Tools and Generators For Web Developers

Bootstrap Development India
In the last couple of years, the demand of Bootstrap tools has been increased because of its wonderful features, including pre-styled modules of library, add-ons and more. There are various benefits of Bootstrap tools that one can get while using them.

Mainly, these tools are known for making development faster and a lot easier for the professional web developers. If you are one of those businessmen, who wanted to make their website look stylish and attractive, you should go with Bootstrap tools.

Moreover, these tools can help you out in keeping your website transparent as bootstrap Development tools have a responsive framework. In addition to this, these tools are designed according to your professional needs.

In this post, we have compiled a complete list of 15 highly advanced and useful Bootstrap tools and generators for web developers. Each tool and generator has its own unique features and benefits, so web developers can use these tools and generators and enjoy a lot of benefits.


Kickstrap is a complete kit for developing websites. This is one such tool that is first of its kind and there is a no-install front-end framework with apps, extras and themes.

Layoutit –

The most useful tool ‘Layoutit’ is extremely helpful to make front-end coding a lot easier and simpler. There is no need to be an expert in JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 for using this high-end tool.

Bootstraptor –

Bootstraptor is a reusable web content blocks, which go anywhere, so users can start developing responsive templates with Bootstrap 3.0. Being an extremely faster tool, one can make use of this amazing tool and get numerous features. –

When it comes to talking about Brix, it is the most advanced and powerful online Bootstrap builder, which allows users to develop responsive interfaces and websites a lot faster than ever. With any hosting service, this tool produces easily readable and well-formatted HTML, CSS & JS for use.

Bootstrap Wysihtml5 –

Bootstrap-wysihtml5 is a JavaScript plugin, which makes it easy to develop attractive and striking wysiwyg editors with the help of wysihtml5 and Twitter Bootstrap. Users can enjoy a lot of features using this high-end tool.

Jetstrap –

Jetstrap is not just a mock-up tool, but it is the premier interface-building tool for Bootstrap 3. This high-end tool enables you to drag and drop Bootstrap components into the builder then edit the code further. You can also grab snippets of clean markup and instantly use complicated components rather than digging through docs.

BootSwatchr –

BootSwatchr is the only Bootstrap customizer, which supports Right-To-Left language display. Users cannot find any of these features in any version of Bootstrap. So, all thanks to Kiarash for developing and supporting this amazing feature.

Divshot –

It is not only a visual Bootstrap editor, but this wonderful tool is also an application grade hosting environment built for developers. The Bootstrap builder allows users to develop production quality code, which is accurately nested with every single component. It also supports with popular CSS frameworks, including Foundation and Racthet with new ones being added frequently.

PaintStrap –

You are capable of developing beautiful Bootstrap themes with Adobe Kuler or COLOURLovers. You can input either the color scheme theme ID or a permalink URL to get started and you can also set the colors for corresponding elements like navigation, background, text and links.

BootTheme –
The most useful tool BootTheme enables users to develop themes, websites, mockups and applications with the help of foundation of Bootstrap, with a drag and drop UI. Users can quickly notice the changes in the Live Preview panel, use in Place Editing to change the content in the preview panel.

BootUI –

A visual Bootstrap editor ‘BootUI’ doesn’t require any kind of HTML or CSS skills. The tool features a complete collection of responsive templates. The best thing about this tool is that it is easy to get started as user just needs to select a template and double click to edit the content. Moreover, it is also working offline and has a lot of free updates and posses 24 responsive template options.

X-Editable –

X-Editable offers in-place editing with Bootstrap, UI, jQuery or pure jQuery, and the library enables people to develop editable elements like popup and line modes. Moreover, this tool also boasts a wealth features like client-side, server-side validation, live events, customizable container placement, keyboard support and more.

Pinegrow –

Pinegrow is a desktop application for Linux, Mac and Windows which allows you to mockup and design webpages faster with multi-page editing and smart components for Bootstrap, Foundation and other frameworks.

Font Awesome –

Font Awesome is the best tool that allows you scalable vector icons, which can quickly be customized in terms of size, color, drop shadow and anything, which can be done with the power of CSS. Being a feature-rich tool, it makes your work a lot easier.

So, above-mentioned bootstrap tools and generators are highly advanced in terms of features, functionalities and performance. Web developers can use these tools and get huge help in their work. However, if you are facing any difficulty, you can get in touch with our team, who has hands-on experience in web development industry.

15 Must-Use AngularJS Tools For Web Developers

AngularJS Development Company
AngularJs is one of the best open source web app frameworks that deliver quality to your project along with HTML. Developed and maintained by Google, AngularJs is widely popular among web developers, as it provides edge to their development task.

No doubt, there are uncountable number of AngularJs tools available online, however, choosing the best one is quite difficult so we have listed the most popular 15 AngularJs tools for web developers to choose.


Mocha is mostly adopted feature-rich JavaScript test framework that runs on node.js and browser by making asynchronous testing interesting. It runs tests serially and provide flexible and accurate reporting.


Customized version of Eclipse, Aptana is one of the best open source IDEs focusing on HTML, JavaScript, CSS and other web goodies. In order to use Aptana for Angular support, users just have to install the AngularJs Eclipse extension from the Eclipse Marketplace.


WebStorm is a IDE for AngularJs that delivers excellent support for HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, and CSS. This tool works well with some modern and excellent technologies for web development.

Angular fire

An excellent framework for AngularJs, Firebase is the best libraries used for creating web and mobile applications with ease. This powerful framework is best for JavaScript users.


Created for Angular, Karma is a great test runner used with any Javascript framework. This tool supports different types of testing such as midway testing, unit testing, and E2E testing. It works by opening browsers and can also communicate with an active browser by using and even, ask users whether to run test or not.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is another popular text editors lovable due to its customizability functionality. It has customizable code snippet support, and has different packages such as the AngularJS package that enable users to work with Angular.


Restangular helps to simplify common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests with a minimum of client code. It is best for any WebApp that grabs data from a RESTful API.

ng Inspector

ng-inspector is an amazing browser extension for Chrome and Safari that adds an inspector pane to build, debug and understand your AngularJS applications.

Angular Deckgrid

Angular deckgrid is a lightweight and free to download grid for AngularJS. Its directive doesn’t depend on the visual representation. Its responsiveness and beauty comes from your CSS file.

Angular Seed

It is an application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app. Angular Seed can be used to bootstrap your angular webapp projects and dev environment.


Protractor is the most powerful automated end-to-end Angular testing tool that created by combining some great technologies such as webDriver, Mocha, Cucumber and Jasmine.

Angular Batarang

Angular Batarang is another tool developed by the Angular team. It is recommended Chrome extension for debugging Angular applications. This extension shows you the model, performance and dependency debugging after checking your application.

Code Orchestra

COLT is a front-end development tool, enabling to write code live-style. It has support for AngularJS. Users just have to modify the code and save. The changes are given to the working application by using a special protocol.

Generator Angular
Generator Angular is a code generator that helps to speed up Angular development with some terminal commands. Interestingly, it generates development server, view, directives, unit and framework testing, and so on.

ngDocs – AngularJS Reference

ngDocs is an Android application, offering AngularJS documentation and references for users. It also provides basic tutorials for novice Angular developer. Additionally, you can also have developer guide and error reference.

Above listed are best and most recommended AngularJS tools for web developers to use to ease their task. Moreover, if you have AngularJS development project in your mind and want to hire AngularJS developer then contact Perception System, a leading web development company.

vTiger CRM Solution – Why It Is Best For Your Business?

vTiger CRM Development Solution
vTiger is 100% open source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that based on web-based, modular. It is one of the preferable and mature CRM, used by more than 100,000 companies. It is one of the best solutions for those users, who want to integrate vTiger in existing systems and require absolute process orientation.

Its modular design makes vtiger CRM customizable for every business needs and have capability to supports your business sales, marketing, controlling and service. vTiger CRM solution is best for small-medium size businesses, who don’t have internal IT resources. Its application is integrated with the traditional CRM software tenants of sales, marketing and service, along with different functions like inventory/products, quotes and sale order processing, billing and project management.

Interestingly, this CRM application is available in 16 languages along with multiple currency support. If we are taking about Social CRM, it has capability of tag clouds and a basic ability to make tweet within CRM system. Additionally, vTiger CRM has many capabilities such as:
  • Activity management
  • Inventory management
  • Security management
  • E-mail integration
  • Customer service and support
  • Sales force automation
  • Marketing automation
  • PDF document generation
  • Calendaring
  • RSS feed subscription
Vtiger CRM is a browser-based application that created on LAMP/WAMP stack. However, it has some drawbacks like: Installing vTiger needs technical help. Non-technical CRM adopters cannot install it. Its download and install is performed from a HTML/PHP interface. Its community needed more formal organization, sponsorship, structure, and growth.

What Advantages You Enjoy with vTiger CRM?
  • It increases sales and enhances customer service by streamlining business interactions
  • Delivering fabulous lead management features to assign ownership and fluently achieve sales pipeline.
  • Streamlines sales and increases your business.
  • Monitors customer service levels to deliver satisfactory service
  • Tracks inventory and targeted price books
  • Enables to manage activities and follow-ups. It also ensures to enhance overall performance.
  • Generates reports to provide a broad overview of your business.
  • Manages customer profiles, accounts, contacts, etc. that enables sales team to identify opportunities in potential customers
How Perception System is best for installing vTiger CRM?

Perception System is one of the leading open source service providers, having years of experience to deliver best solution at budget cost. Developers at PS have also expertise in delivering result-oriented vTiger solution by using the LAMP framework as it is built on LAMP stack with codes from SugarCRM.

If you are looking for accurate CRM solution for your business then contact with your needs and get solution from experts.
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